Vaporizer Reviews: Reviews of marijuana and cannabis vaporizers
Our vaporizer review page provides all the info you need on choosing a vaporizer. With information on how marijuana vaporizers work and lots of info on the top vaporizers available today.
Marijuana vaporizers vaporizer is a device that releases the active ingredients from plant materials such as tobacco, cannabis, and other herbs used for medicinal purposes. Smoking such substances produces harmful by-products such as carbon monoxide, and the vaporizer significantly reduces this.
Rather than burning a plant or herb, a vaporizer heats the material until its active compounds boil off into a vapor; this vapor contains hardly any tar and also has a markedly reduced noxious gases content. The hot vapour can cause throat irritation when inhaled, so it may be filtered and cooled using a water pipe or a vaporizer attachment meant for the purpose. The vapor is then inhaled for instant effect, or it may be stored in a dome or balloon for later use. The absence of toxic smoke and the cooler temperatures in using a vaporizer means that the irritating and harmful effects of smoking are somewhat reduced, and thus herbal vaporizers are ideal for use in places where smoking is banned and for when cannabis is taken purely for medicinal reasons.
Cannabis use has rarely been legalised for medical puposes, and this may be partly due to the fact that smoking is the medium of delivery. Scientific studies have been carried out to ascertain whether the taking of cannabis is clinically reliable and safe when inhaled from a vaporizer, and these consistently found the use of a vaporizer inherently preferable to smoking, although the results varied widely according to the model of vaporizer used. The more expensive vaporizers, when used with quality cannabis containing high levels of THC, eliminated all harmful compounds consistently enough for clinical trials.
THC, also known as tetrahydrocannabinol, is the main active ingredient found in the cannabis plant, and, when compared with other delivery methods such as smoking, the delivery of THC via a vaporizer offered faster delivery into the bloodstream and the possibilty of greater self-control by being able to gradually increase dosage until the desired level is reached.
When trying to make vaporizer or marijuana vaporizer reviews we noted that there are many herbal vaporisers on the market, and these vary quite markedly in terms of price. Quality is often but not always determined by cost, and therefore the choice of vaporizer will be a major factor in the efficiency, purity and delivery of cannabis vapor. With marijuana and other medicinal herbs, the components which are responsible for the aromatic qualities of the plant vaporize at low temperatures, whilst the active ingredients such as THC vaporize at much higher temperatures. Both the amount of active ingredient delivered and the breadth of spectrum per inhalation determine the value of a delivered dose, and thus systems that deliver this are considered to be the most effective for medicinal purposes . The widely used convection vaporizer is one such system; hot air passes through a substance, meaning that it heats rapidly and releases active components quickly. This rapid release ensures that the active ingredient is evenly concentrated, producing a higher quality vapor than the thermal conduction vaporizer. For our vaporizer review we narrowed dow the selection to the 10 models of vaporizer listed below, we realise there are many more and will add further in as they become available. vaporizers are rated with 1-5 stars with 5 being our top picks.