amsterdam coffee shops


In Amsterdam, cannabis cafes or coffee shops are tolerated by the government. Coffee shops are a place to buy cannabis or marijuana, meet people and enjoy a smoke in a relaxed environment. There are now over 300 coffee shops alone in the Amsterdam region. Each one has its own unique menu, detailing their own selections of cannabis or marijuana, as well as pre-rolled joints and cake (space cake). Snacks and drinks are also available at most coffee shops although most do not have a license to serve alcohol. Prices of marijuana will vary greatly from coffeeshop to coffee shop, with the longer established and well known ones charging more. Good bargains can be found by walking further afield and trying out the back street cafes. The photos below are a selection of the better known ones.

amsterdam coffeeshop greenhouse
One of Amsterdam's famous coffee shops, The Greenhouse.
amsterdam coffee shop
Amsterdam coffee shop window. You can smoke your weed through a hookah here.
amsterdam coffee shop
Betty Too, not to be mistaken for Betty Boo is another one of Amsterdams finest coffee shops
bulldog coffee shop
The Bulldog is perhaps the most well known coffee shop in Amsterdam.
bushdoctor coffee shop
Bushdoctor cofeeshop picture. A perfect place for a joint.
dampkring coffee shop
Dampkring coffee shop is one of the cooler cafes in Amsterdam.
amsterdam coffee shop
Double Reggae is a great place for a fat joint and some wicked tunes.
amsterdam coffee shop
Keep on rocking in the Freeworld cofee shop in Amsterdam.
amsterdam coffee shop
The Grasshopper in the centre of Amsterdam is a landmark coffeeshop.
grasshopper coffeeshop
The Grasshopper is another Amsterdam coffee shop favorite. Make sure you pay a visit.
kadinsky coffeeshop
A picture of Kadinsky coffeeshop with a typical Dutch bike outside.
sheeba marijuana cafe
Sheeba coffee shop has a strict no alcohol policy but reefer is just fine.
amsterdam coffee shop
Nice picture of the Dolphin coffee shop. A great place to relax with a spliff.

If you have visited an Amsterdam coffee shop and taken a photo, please send it in and we'll include it in this gallery.

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